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a collage of women holding quilts (3)

Quilts Bring Comfort to Seniors 

Thanks to the generosity the Quilting Sisters, Tacoma Habitat's Aging in Place program is now receiving handmade quilts to gift to clients. 

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Strategic Plan, 2024-2026

Last year, Tacoma Habitat's Board of Directors underwent a strategic planning update to identify how to best serve our community in the coming years, and how to preserve affordable homeownership in perpetuity.

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photo of ICF framing at Canterwood in Gig Harbor

ICF with Carbon-Neutral Concrete

At the three-home plat in Gig Harbor, Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity is utilizing an innovative framing process: Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) with carbon-neutral concrete.

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A photo of the Washington State capitol, with the cherry blossoms in bloom with text

2023 Legislative Recap

The 2023 Legislative Session was a year of unprecedented investment in housing, with the Washington State Legislature championing the preservation and growth of affordable housing in varying markets. Learn how Tacoma Habitat was impacted.

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Women Build volunteers at Madison Meadow, Feb 2023

Women Build

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Women Build 34

Women Build

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Housing Disparity in Tacoma

Housing Disparity in Tacoma

The City of Tacoma released a comprehensive report on race-based disparity in homeownership in November 2021, which found clear disparities associated with Black populations owning homes. Read some of the more impactful data points within.

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Working in Home Repair

Habitat staffer Virginia shares a bit about what makes working in home repair so special.

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