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a collage of women holding quilts (3)

Quilts Bring Comfort to Seniors 

Thanks to the generosity the Quilting Sisters, Tacoma Habitat's Aging in Place program is now receiving handmade quilts to gift to clients. 

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Dr. Thomas House Dedication

On the first Saturday of June, Tacoma Habitat celebrated a double home dedication at the Dr. Claudia Thomas Legacy Houses and welcomed Hannah and Janeta, and their families, home.

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AmeriCorps Swap

The Tacoma Habitat AmeriCorps team participated in an exchange with the Bend-Redmond Habitat (OR) this spring. Here, member Alli shares a bit about the experience.

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Featured Faithful

Centered on long-time volunteer Reverend Dr. Gary Petersen, this Featured Faithful post explores the beginnings of the Building on Faith program and Global Village.

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Wall Raising for Frank

On a sunny Saturday in May, Tacoma Habitat founders gathered for a special wall raising in memory of Frank Lewis and in celebration of the impact he had on the organization.

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International Women’s Day

International Women's Day 2024 was a milestone for Tacoma Habitat: For the first time ever, 100% of the staff and volunteers on our construction site were female.

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How to Be a Housing Voter

Do you want to get involved in making an impact on the issues that matter to you? Contacting your representatives is a great way to start.

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Habitat on the Hill

Over 600 representatives of Habitat for Humanity from across the country poured onto Capitol Hill for Habitat on the Hill, 2024.

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Frank & Marilyn Lewis House

Celebrating the legacy of Frank Lewis, and his dedication to Tacoma Habitat's mission. Frank was the first paid construction staffer.

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