now recruiting homeowners
Are you ready to leave ever-increasing rent behind? Achieving housing stability with affordable homeownership is possible through our restricted resale/land lease model, which includes special mortgage products and support for income-qualified Pierce County residents.
Own a home for as little as $1,600/month (inclusive of tax and insurance) with a down payment under $3,000.
Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity will sell 120 homes in the next 3-5 years, and we're looking for qualified buyers! Prospective homeowners must have a minimum household income* of $60,000 (not to exceed 80% Area Median Income), a credit score of 620+, and a willingness to participate in homeowner preparation workshops. Take the first step in building a secure future by attending our free Homeowner Orientation and learning more about the program.
*Household income includes earnings from all adults in the household, even child support, disability, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), etc.

Foreclosure Prevention Workshop
Are you in danger of foreclosure? Running out of mortgage assistance funds? What are your next steps? Join Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity for a foreclosure prevention workshop and learn what steps you can take…
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Keys to Homeownership
Have you dreamed of owning your home but don’t know where to start? Is your credit stopping you from buying a home? Are home prices discouraging you from getting started? Put all that behind you…
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Homeowner Orientation
Attendance at a Homeowner Orientation Session is the first step to becoming a Habitat homeowner. To register for the February 13 session and get the Zoom link, please click here. Our homebuyer program is designed for…
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