Legislative Priority

This year, Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity’s legislative priority is making a bold ask of the Washington State Legislature: a $14 million direct allocation to preserve and rehabilitate up to 80 Pierce County homes for first-time homebuyers. (See details below.)
With housing prices at historic highs, homeownership is becoming more difficult for many households to achieve.
We believe that everyone deserves a safe, decent, affordable place to call home. Homeowners experience greater stability, better academic and professional outcomes, and stronger family relationships, and we work to provide those opportunities in the community.
We have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to maintain the permanent affordability of 80 homes. We’ll purchase the homes at appraised value, rehabilitate them, and sell them to first-time homeowners at an affordable price. Buyers will participate in Habitat’s homeownership program and agree to only resell their home to another income-qualified buyer. With this one-time investment from the state, we’d make 80 homes permanently affordable. We need to act now.
We were built for this!