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a collage of women holding quilts (3)

Quilts Bring Comfort to Seniors 

Thanks to the generosity the Quilting Sisters, Tacoma Habitat's Aging in Place program is now receiving handmade quilts to gift to clients. 

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GAF roofing academy students on the roof during a roof replacement project for a senior homeowner.

Roofing Academy Helps Seniors

Since 2021, Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity's Aging in Place critical home repair program has provided a dozen roof replacements for Pierce County senior homeowners – seven in partnership with the GAF Roofing Academy.

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Answered Prayer

Answered Prayer

“I was always the secret Santa. Now I’m the person where Santa comes to me. I’m so grateful. I know it all comes from God.” Read about Christine's answered prayers and how the community rallied to…

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Fred and Patsy pose with neighbors Brett and Kerry, who helped them replace their failing roof.

Faith & Good Neighbors

A local pastor and his wife rally their community to raise funds to replace their aging neighbors' roof, with a little help from Tacoma Habitat's Aging in Place program and Lowe's.

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A Roof for Mark 1

A Roof for Mark

Senior homeowner Mark wasn't sure where to turn when his roof began to leak. Thanks to Tacoma Habitat's Aging in Place program and some Collegiate Challenge volunteers, he now has a new roof.

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Working in Home Repair

Habitat staffer Virginia shares a bit about what makes working in home repair so special.

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A Roof for Phyllis

A Roof for Phyllis

Our new Aging in Place program provided Phyllis a much-needed new roof, thanks to partners GAF, Achten's Roofing, and funding from Wells Fargo Foundation. This is a great neighbors-helping-neighbors story.

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