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- welcome home, Sara
welcome home, Sara

On a rare sunny February morning, the Habitat community gathered to welcome Sara and her son home. Sara’s home dedication was special on a number of levels: her home is the first to be completed in the Madison Meadow development and it is both a Building on Faith Home and the Bill Barrett Legacy Home.
Among those on hand to celebrate Sara’s success were the Barrett family, members of University Place Presbyterian Church (UPPC), Habitat staff and volunteers.
Bill’s wife Sally shared, “I have a quote of Jimmy Carter’s: ‘I have one life and one chance to make it account for something. I am free to choose that something. My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I can, whenever I can, for as long as I live.’ So bless you both. We’re thrilled that we’re able to support this part of your journey. While we miss Bill, we’re glad that it’s manifested in this for you. God bless you.”
Sara said, “I want to thank Habitat for accepting me and my son into this program. Thanks to the Bill Barrett family, who have been nothing but kind to us. To the volunteers and Habitat staff, every time you pass by this house, just know how thankful I am.”
Reverend Lisa Woicik (UPPC) blessed the home with a beautiful prayer adapted from a blessing written by Elizabeth B. Congdon, which can be found in Before the Amen, by Maren & Maria Tirabassi.
Bless this house, O God. Keep it safe by night and by day, safe from destruction of storm or unrest, safe from winds that harm. May this house provide shelter and be a resting place built upon your love and grace.
Bless this house, O God, with love. Let it be a place where love is grown, nurtured, and valued. A place where everyone who enters it loves with abandon. A place where respect, kindness, and consideration are the norm.
Bless this house, O God, with wisdom. Let it be a place where all are free to grow and learn. A place where people are valued, seen, and accepted as they are. A place where mistakes are forgiven, lessons are learned, and encouragement and creativity are nurtured.
And, bless Sara and Deron, O God. Let them feel at home in this house. A place where they are safe and can freely be themselves, without any mask or pretense. A place where they experience your abundant love and joy, and the weight of the world is lifted from their shoulders.
Protect and guide Sara and Deron, O God. Watch over them all their days, for your love is eternal, while this house will eventually pass away. We pray this in name of the one who dwelt among us, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
Welcome home, Sara.