Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity builds and renovates homes to provide safe, affordable, and stable homeownership for low to moderate income families. We offer first time homebuyer classes, financial wellness classes, and volunteer opportunities available to the public.
In addition, we partner with third party lenders and servicers to provide homebuyer services. During the housing counseling meeting, your housing counselor may make you aware of these products and services being offered. Our partners are not for profit and for-profit companies. Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity does not receive any compensation for referrals. When making referrals, we will always give you three or more alternatives to choose from.
Housing counseling services provided by Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity are voluntary. Although the above services are offered, you are not required to participate, use, or purchase any of these services from Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity or our partners to receive housing counseling services.
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