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a collage of women holding quilts (3)

Quilts Bring Comfort to Seniors 

Thanks to the generosity the Quilting Sisters, Tacoma Habitat's Aging in Place program is now receiving handmade quilts to gift to clients. 

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Featured Faithful

Centered on long-time volunteer Reverend Dr. Gary Petersen, this Featured Faithful post explores the beginnings of the Building on Faith program and Global Village.

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volunteer Shelli

My Habitat Story: Shelli

Meet Shelli, a Tacoma Habitat volunteer since 2019.

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My Habitat Story: Karen

Since last August, Karen has become somewhat of a construction site regular, coming out twice a week and putting in over 140 volunteer hours. 

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Photo of volunteer Jack superimposed over a close up shot of hardhats. the tagline reads Jack, Tacoma Habitat volunteer since 2011.

My Habitat Story: Jack

Jack shares his story about volunteering with Tacoma Habitat and what's kept him engaged for over 10 years.

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photo of Rich and his son Richie, circa 2004

Featured Faithful

Centered on volunteer Rich Phillips, who has been engaged with Tacoma Habitat since the early 2000's, this Featured Faithful post shares more about the history of Tacoma Habitat's work in Gig Harbor and the support…

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2023 Collegiate Challenge

2023 Collegiate Challenge

In March, 67 college students from CT, NY, OR and CA used their spring breaks to serve with Tacoma Habitat as part of our Collegiate Challenge program. Read about their impact on our organization here.

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Volunteer Tom Geary's smiling face

Featured Faithful

Centered on volunteer Tom Geary, who has been engaged with Tacoma Habitat since the early 2000's, this Featured Faithful post explores Tom's multifaceted commitment to Habitat's mission across two decades.

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Featured Faithful

Featured Faithful

Meet long-time volunteer Alison Paradise, who leads her church's Sunday of Service.

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