Adventure Race FAQs

Join us for an adventure Beyond the Backyard.
Imagine a scavenger hunt that is part Amazing Race and part double-dog-dare. On Saturday, May 21, you and your teammates will be in the wackiest, most memorable race of your life as you race through a series of wild challenges in a three-hour period. With Beyond the Backyard, you may get wet, you may get a little dirty, and you will definitely laugh.
Suited for all ages and stages, this quest is made for athletes and fun-seekers of all ability levels. Our adventure race is perfect for families and/or groups of friends, and offers team-building opportunities for colleagues, sports teams, and youth groups.
Below are the answers to all your burning questions about Beyond the Backyard, an adventure race for Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity. But if you have a question we don’t answer, please contact us. We’re glad to help.
When you’re ready to register, click here!

Overall Experience
What exactly is it?
Beyond the Backyard is an adventure race, much like a community-wide scavenger hunt. It is also a fundraiser to benefit Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity, in support affordable homeownership and foreclosure prevention.
On race day, the challenge list is delivered via the group texting app, Bonfyre. Teams solve, find and/or do the things asked of them in each challenge. Proof (photos/video) is uploaded to race HQ as proof and is validated in real time so you can advance to the next challenge.
Your team has 3 hours to complete as many of the challenges as possible.
How does it work?
On race day, your team should gather in a predetermined meeting spot of your choice. At 10:00 AM the full challenge list will be delivered via your private team “room” on the race app, and your adventure begins. (A PDF version will also be emailed to the email address you used at registration.)
Strategize the best way to complete the challenges and in which order, as well as develop a plan to source any materials needed. Then, strike out to tackle as many of the challenges as possible before the clock strikes 1:00 PM. As you finish each challenge, your team will upload the pictures and/or videos to the race app for verification.
Teams need to stay together throughout the race and each team member should be visible in every submission, unless otherwise noted.
Race HQ will validate all of your challenges remotely and in real-time, either clearing your team to move to the next or offering guidance on how to fully complete the task.
At least one person on the team will need a smart phone or device with the app loaded and capability to capture both still photos and videos. (See “Do we need anything to race?” for more details.)
What are the challenges like?
Challenges are designed to push you out of your comfort zones and generate unforgettable experiences. The collection of challenges you will face fall into four categories: Physical, Skill, Find, and Fun. This variety ensures there is something for everyone, regardless of age or ability.
Below are just a few examples of basic challenges. Keep in mind Beyond the Backyard will have its own custom-created experiences. So although these specific challenges will not be a part of your adventure race experience, they are meant to give you a better understanding of the overall concept.
Group Sit And Stand Challenge | Physical
Take a video of your team members all standing shoulder to shoulder in a tight clump/circle with your backs all facing in and your arms interlocked. Lower team to ground and stand back up.
Paper Airplane Challenge | Skill
Have one team member located on any 2nd level of a building or open parking garage toss a paper airplane and any teammate at ground level must catch it before it hits the ground.
License Plate Challenge | Find
Take a picture of your team with any parked vehicle whose license plate contains numerical digits that add up to 10, no more, no less.
Where do we race?
You race wherever you are within Pierce County. There are no specific starting or finishing lines. There will be a few challenges that are tied to a specific city and/or location, but most can be accomplished wherever you are.
You may have to source supplies to complete a challenge, which could involve visiting a store or arranging to pick something up from a neighbor’s porch.
Are there prizes?
Of course!
There will be a prize package awarded to the team that completes the most challenges or the first team to complete them all. In there is a tie, race HQ will use time validation to find the winning team based on who finished their last challenge first.
Additional prizes will be awarded to the individual with the highest fundraising total as of 12:00 AM (PST) on May 22, 2022, and to the team who submits the best photo during the race.
All prizes will be delivered post-event.
How can my team prepare/practice?
There’s not much you can do to physically prepare in terms of a training regimen, but there are unlimited ways in which you can build team rapport in advance of event day.
You may want to drill some Minute To Win It games with your team in advance of the race, and/or try to master some Tik Tok dances.
You may consider race-day roles for each of your teammates. Examples: identify a chief strategist who will help map out how to attack the tasks and in which order; name a researcher who will be your Google master and source your supplies; decide who will be team chauffeur and/or photographer.
Another team-building activity is to decide and source your team theme and costume.
About Teams
What are the team requirements? Can I race solo?
This is a undoubtedly a team adventure, and is not built for solo participants. We recommend no fewer than 2 people for a team, and no more than 8.
When your team grows beyond 7 or 8, the experience can get bogged down. Larger groups may struggle to fit everyone in the frame of photos and videos, and depending on personalities, it might be tricky to keep everyone engaged and feeling like an essential member. Remember, fun is the goal!
Larger groups are welcome to participate. We just recommend splitting your big group into smaller segments to form teams.
Also, teammates must race together. Build your team with people that are able to physically be with you on race day. Your entire team will need to appear in photos/videos together in order to complete challenges.
Can kids participate?
Absolutely! Kiddos are universally welcome to participate.
Please note that all kids age 10+ must be registered participants of the team.
Kids under 10 are welcome to join the adventure, but unless registered won’t have access to the race app.
Our production partners have had racers as young as 4 who thoroughly enjoyed the race experience. It’s not unheard of for teams to have toddlers in strollers or babies in wraps.
Are there any restrictions?
Nope! As long as your team has 2+ people and raised a minimum of $300, you are good to race.
There are, however, some physical challenges requiring balance and/or dexterity – and sometimes both.
If you have a teammate with physical limitations, you might want to decide in advance how your team will handle it. Our advice is to have everyone on the same page before race day rather than to struggle in the midst of the competition.
Can we wear costumes or team shirts?
Yes, please! Let your creativity run wild!
Just keep in mind that you need to retain range of motion and, if you’re in it to win it, you don’t want your ensemble to slow you down.
But we LOVE a great theme – and all the better if your outfits align with your team name.
How do I make changes to my team fundraising page?
Only the appointed team captain (usually the person who started the team) can make changes to the team page on our fundraising system. The team captain will need to login from the event homepage using the link in the top right corner. Once logged in, they can name someone else the team captain.
If you have trouble transferring captain-hood or logging in, please reach out and we’ll be glad to help.
What’s included with the $25 registration?
Your $25 registration fee includes race entry and use of the app.
Entry fees are non-refundable, but do count toward your team’s fundraising total. Example: if you have four team members registered, you will be 1/3 toward your fundraising goal.
Does my whole team need to register at once, or can we add people over time?
Teammates can be added over time.
The option to join an existing team is offered during the registration process. Just be sure your potential teammates know your team’s name.
My kids want to start their own team. Does each team need an adult?
At least one member of each team needs to be 18+.
If someone on my team drops out, can I replace them with someone else?
You can replace teammates through May 18, 2022. After that, your team is locked.
To shuffle team members, please reach out to us for assistance.
What’s the minimum age to participate? The maximum?
There is no maximum age, but at least one member of each team must be 18+.
We require all racers age 10+ to be registered team members, but younger kiddos are welcome to join the adventure. Our partners have had official racers as young as 4 have a successful experience.
Please note that unless your child is a registered team member, they won’t have access to the race app.
How does the fundraising work?
Beyond the Backyard is a peer-to-peer fundraiser, much like a walk-a-thon or a charitable bike ride or race. The objective is for your team to raise a minimum of $300 to benefit Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity.
Please note that ALL fundraising must be done on the event platform. Facebook fundraisers and Go Fund Me pages aren’t able to be credited toward your team.
When you register, your $25 entry fee counts toward your team’s $300 fundraising minimum.
With your registration, you get a personal fundraising page on our software platform with a unique URL to share with your network. You can update your page with your own photos (both a profile picture and a cover photo) and a statement about yourself.
Each team will also have a fundraising page with a custom URL. The team page is managed by the Team Captain and includes the profile pictures of each team member, which are auto-populated from their individual fundraising pages, and the option of adding a team cover photo.
All individual fundraising will automatically link up and reflect in the team total. The event leaderboard is on the event homepage and you can quickly check both individual and team fundraising totals there.
If you easily reach $300, we encourage you to keep going! Every dollar raised helps house a family in need. And, there is a prize package for the individual that raises the most money.
How do I personalize my fundraising page?
When you registered, you set up login information for your personal page.
From the event homepage, you can click on the login button on the top right of the screen. From there, you can enter your credentials to login, or request to reset your password.
If you get stuck or need help, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Where does all the money go?
Thanks to our generous sponsors, all funds raised by teams through Beyond the Backyard benefit Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity.
Using affordable homeownership as an anchor for hope, change, and stability, Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity has been building in the community since 1985. We are a local, independent affiliate of the global non-profit housing organization, Habitat for Humanity International.
Tacoma Habitat is committed to advocating for fair housing policies while increasing access to affordable homeownership for hard working families and individuals.
Funds from Beyond the Backyard will not only help build homes, but support our programs, including:
- Homeownership: With a hand-up from our donors and volunteers, Habitat homeowners are able to purchase homes with an affordable mortgage. Through the opportunity of homeownership, partner families escape rent-burdened, over-crowded living situations. With stable, affordable housing, Habitat homeowners no longer have to make difficult choices between paying rent or providing for daily life and emergent needs of their families.
- Foreclosure Prevention: Now more than ever, homeowners are at risk of losing the dream they’ve worked so hard to achieve, reporting reduced incomes and requesting mortgage forbearance. Our new foreclosure prevention program helps to keep default and foreclosure at bay.
- Aging in Place: Senior citizens needing home repair in order to maintain a healthy living environment often call on us, with nowhere else to turn. It is an honor to provide low-cost critical home repair to vulnerable, low-income seniors.
If we can’t race after all, can we get refunds?
Registration fees are non-refundable and will be retained as donations to Tacoma/Pierce County Habitat for Humanity.
However, registrations are transferable within teams through 5/18/22. Contact us for details.
If you drop out of the race, please let us know so we don’t continue sending event updates to your inbox.
Please note that all donations you bring in will be retained and will benefit your team and Tacoma Habitat.
Race Day
Will the event be cancelled due to rain or inclement weather?
Nothing can stop this adventure train!
Like true Pacific Northwesterners, we race rain or shine.
What if I/we aren’t comfortable with a challenge?
Teams are never forced to do anything they don’t want to do, or can’t physically complete.
You can skip around to create your own unique Beyond the Backyard experience using the provided challenge list.
What do we need to wear?
Be comfortable. Dress for the weather and for adventure. Wear supportive shoes.
Wild costumes and/or matching team outfits are encouraged and are guaranteed to improve team camaraderie.
And, don’t forget your mask!
Do we need anything to race?
Beyond the Backyard is a high-tech race. Teams are required to take pictures and/or video with a mobile device; potentially make phone calls or send text messages; and possibly utilize the internet to do research and/or send an email during the race. Make sure at least one team member has a fully-charged smart phone or device that can do all the above.
To communicate with race HQ, you will need to download the group texting app, Bonfyre.
It is strongly recommended that team members race with your devices’ power cords and/or back-up power sources. You also may want to get familiar with your camera’s timer function and/or dig out your long-abandoned selfie stick.
It is also recommended that you have a map of your area, a pen or pencil, and something to take notes on. A good understanding of the surrounding communities will give your team an advantage.
We advise carrying your ID just in case, though you will not need it for the event specifically.
You should also have some cash on you for any water or snacks you choose to buy along the way, or in case a challenge requires your team to purchase a small item.
Of course, we recommend sunscreen, water bottles and hand sanitizer.
Most importantly, bring a sense of adventure!
Will photos be taken?
Yes – by you!
Because this is a “race where you stand” event, there aren’t be professional race photos. But you’ll be capturing lots of amazing moments of the race.
We’d love for you to share those images with us! You can find us on most social media platforms, tagging @tacomahabitat. We also encourage hashtags: #beyondthebackyard; #tacomahabitat; #raceforhomes; and #Habitatadventurerace.
Please note that upon registration you sign a waiver and release, providing Tacoma Habitat and our production partner Team Building Anywhere to use and reproduce your race photos and videos for promotional purposes.
Can our friends come watch?
As we’re not having a big send off from one spot nor are we having all teams cross a specific finish line, there really isn’t any place to send your people.
The nature of this event is that you race from where you are and that you’re mobile. Even having your own band of spectators trailing you could be challenging, potentially dangerous, and will likely slow you down.
We recommend posting your validation photos and videos to your own social platforms (hello, Instagram Stories!) and/or sharing them in a group text with your donors along the way.