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Featured Faithful

Centered on long-time volunteer Reverend Dr. Gary Petersen, this Featured Faithful post explores the beginnings of the Building on Faith program and Global Village.

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Wall Raising for Frank

On a sunny Saturday in May, Tacoma Habitat founders gathered for a special wall raising in memory of Frank Lewis and in celebration of the impact he had on the organization.

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Chapel Hill House

On September 9, the first wooden walls at Canterwood were raised, framing the garage and breezeway of the Building on Faith home, lovingly sponsored by Chapel Hill Church.

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photo of Rich and his son Richie, circa 2004

Featured Faithful

Centered on volunteer Rich Phillips, who has been engaged with Tacoma Habitat since the early 2000's, this Featured Faithful post shares more about the history of Tacoma Habitat's work in Gig Harbor and the support…

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Volunteer Tom Geary's smiling face

Featured Faithful

Centered on volunteer Tom Geary, who has been engaged with Tacoma Habitat since the early 2000's, this Featured Faithful post explores Tom's multifaceted commitment to Habitat's mission across two decades.

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Answered Prayer

Answered Prayer

“I was always the secret Santa. Now I’m the person where Santa comes to me. I’m so grateful. I know it all comes from God.” Read about Christine's answered prayers and how the community rallied to…

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Featured Faithful

Featured Faithful

Meet long-time volunteer Alison Paradise, who leads her church's Sunday of Service.

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